A Jabberwocky filk, for no good reason.
[August 2006]
Twas Prolog, and the Sather troffs
Did Perl and Python in the awk;
All MIXAL were the MS-DOS,
And the COMALs Smalltalk.
‘Beware the Javascript, my son!
The JOSS that bytes, the Oz that Rexx!
Beware the Jython bird, and shun
The Visual DataFlex!’
He took his VB6 in hand:
Long time the Microcode he sought–
So rested he by the Turing tree,
And TEX awhile in thought.
And as in UML he stood,
The Javascript, with eyes of flame,
Came Whitespace through the Turbo C,
And COBOLed as it came!
T, NIL! T, NIL! And CHILL and Fril
The VBA went Snobol, Scheme!
He left it dead, and with its Sed
He went Befungeing home.
‘And hast thou slain the Javascript?
Come to my ARM, my Basic boy!
O Franz LISP day! C, F! G, J!’
He Chapelled in his joy.
Twas Prolog, and the Sather troffs
Did Perl and Python in the awk;
All MIXAL were the MS-DOS,
And the COMALs Smalltalk.