Three Syllable Slogans

This has been percolating for a while.. It’s to the tune of Tit Willow, from the Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan, about some of our mighty leaders.

March 2016

Immigration is run by a minister called
Cockwomble, cockwomble, cockwomble
Whose methods would leave Joseph Stalin appalled
Cockwomble, cockwomble, cockwomble
He will boast with a sneer that he stopped all the boats
Leaving people in camps far too squalid for goats
‘Cause he knows from the polls it’s the way to win votes
Cockwomble, cockwomble, cockwomble

When a Senator’s trying to stick it to gays
Wankpuffin, wankpuffin, wankpuffin
Expressing opinions in multiple ways
Wankpuffin, wankpuffin, wankpuffin
You wonder, in time, why he’s sure that it’s true
That your orientation’s a choice made by you
Whereas bigotry’s clearly ingrained, through and through
Wankpuffin, wankpuffin, wankpuffin

And above all the rabble, there sits a PM
Fuckknuckle, fuckknuckle, fuckknuckle
Who used to be more of an “us” than a “them”
Fuckknuckle, fuckknuckle, fuckknuckle
He lost all his principles, solemn and deep,
While scrambling up to the top of the heap
Now he’s hoping the voters will just stay asleep
Fuckknuckle, fuckknuckle, fuckknuckle